Thiele’s inventory – Ackermann’s purchases

The inventory indicates that the wood carver Elert Thiele had all manner of tools in large quantities: planers, drills, hammers, cutting blades, glue jars and other such items. Local cabinetmakers divided a large portion of these tools up among themselves since they confiscated them from Christian Ackermann as a Bönhase (a master artisan who worked outside of the applicable guild, which was prohibited). They were later forced to pay for those tools since according to the decision of Tallinn’s town council, the tools did not belong to Ackermann but rather to all of Thiele’s heirs.
Christian Ackermann purchased quite a large quantity of implements and materials from his predecessor’s estate as well. He acquired two workbenches, glue jars, a file, and simply some quantity of tools (for 4 riksdalers). His largest purchase was materials: Ackermann bought 70 linden blocks, 10 oak blocks, and an additional 30 linden boards (for a total of 20 riksdalers). Pattern papers and engravings for 4 riksdalers were also among the purchased implements (TLA.230.2.41, p. 61).
- TLA, f. 230. n. 1. s. B. t. 12. pp. 3p-4. Photograph: Tallinn City Archives
- TLA, f. 230. n. 1. s. B. t. 12. pp. 3p-4. Photograph: Tallinn City Archives
- TLA, f. 230. n. 1. s. B. t. 12. pp. 3p-4. Photograph: Tallinn City Archives
- TLA, f. 230. n. 1. s. B. t. 12. pp. 3p-4. Photograph: Tallinn City Archives