Comparison with other works by Ackermann


The same kind of putto corbel that served as the base for Christ the Invincible, like the one that existed in Märjamaa, can also be seen in the Järva-Madise Church retable, which was completed at a later time in Ackermann’s workshop. If we compare the carving of the putto heads and the ornamental décor of the Järva-Madise and Märjamaa altars, we see that they are almost identical.

Ackermann had carved a statue of Moses in 1686 for the pulpit of Tallinn’s Cathedral that was similar to the Moses in Märjamaa. At the same time, features that resembled the figures of St. Peter on the previously completed retables at Simuna and Vigala spread to the clothing of Moses at Märjamaa, who was depicted with horns consisting of curled hair and shown carrying the two tablets of the Ten Commandments.

4 years ago